The Sent Ones
Global Relaunch

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Who we are and future
endeavors to offer

We at The Gardeny are proud to offer carefully designed landscapes crafted to suit our commercial
clients’ preferences while prioritizing sustainability.

Sent ones global network

Deploying accurate realms and dimensions for building strategic systems.

Sent ones global network

  • 1 CORINTHIANS 12:28
  • “And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets…”
  • God has commissioned “The SENT ONES” to bring the church back into divine alignment.

Prayer Synergy

  • Foundational prayer and intercession methodologies that pierce through diverse realms of the spirit and bring about effective and answered results

Apostolic Infantry

  • Apostolic and five-fold ministry leaders who are trained, armed, and equipped on foot to subdue and infiltrate territories and regions for the kingdom of God.

Prophetic Downloads

  • Prophetic and Seer sharpening tools that are designed to enhance accurate dimensions and eyesight into the spirit realm. Training through prophetic activation exercises and other prophetic resources.

Strategic Building Systems

  • Effective planting and building tools that transcend beyond traditional ideologies into legacy and generational ministry. Established Apostolic Nerve Centers, Epicenters and Ascension Hubs

Apostolic Boardroom

  • Joint collaborations that penetrate spheres of influence bringing into alignment the pioneering assignments of those who are sent and have a sending anointing.

Global Mandate

  • Partnerships with territorial and regional leaders and ministry gifts that help bring about a global impact economically and relationally

School of the Sent Ones

  • Equipping the next generation of Apostles, Prophets and other five-fold ministry gifts.
  • Foundational sound teaching and one on one and group mentoring for those leaders who are graced to serve and lead others.
  • Providing accredidated schooling on-site campus and online access.

Contact Us

Contact us for a quote, help, or to join the team.

123 Main St.

City, ST



+ 40 744 222 433

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